About Us


Shanghai ShiQiao Consulting Co.,Ltd assist foreigners to register company in China. Our service package includes China company registration, opening corporate bank accounts, accounting and tax, and work visa in China. ShiQiao is the one-stop solution for you to setup your legal presence in China.

Due Diligence China-based Company

Check List


Our diversified range of corporate due diligence services include:



. Corporate background verification

. Pre Investment due diligence

. Pre Borrowing due diligence

. Third Party Due diligence

. Integrity due diligence

. Executive/ Senior . Management Due Diligence

  1. Request Business License Details: Begin by requesting a copy of the company's business license. This document contains vital information such as the official company name, date of establishment, business scope, and the name of the owner.

  2. Validate Legitimacy: If feasible, it's advisable to verify the legality of the provided business details with the local State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC). Confirming the accuracy of this information adds an extra layer of assurance.

  3. Assess Business Scope and Capitalization: Evaluate whether the stated business scope aligns with your intended activities and if the registered capital is suitable for the proposed business operations. Keep in mind that different industries may require varying levels of capitalization.

  4. Identify Key Contact and Communication: Determine the identity of your primary contact within the company. Understanding the authority and legitimacy of your contact is essential for establishing trust.

  5. Review Company Website and Consistency: Take a close look at the company's website, comparing information available in both English and Chinese versions. Verify if the provided location matches the registered address. Consistency across platforms indicates reliability.

  6. Payment Methods and Invoice Transparency: Ensure that payments are directed to the official company account rather than personal accounts. Request official invoices issued by the Tax Administration for transparency and compliance purposes.

  7. Evaluate Quality Control and Certifications: Assess the company's quality control measures and certifications, if any. Cross-check the provided information with relevant organizations to confirm authenticity and reliability.

  8. Consider Due Diligence Visits and Payment Security: Contemplate engaging a reputable organization to conduct due diligence visits to potential suppliers, particularly for significant transactions. Explore secure payment methods such as letters of credit to minimize financial risks.